Urban renewal in Complex 3: 6 buildings with 200 residential units are planned to be redeveloped into 4-5 towers with approximately 885 residential units, around 3,000 square meters of commercial and employment space, and about 1,000 square meters of public facilities.
The Moshe Sharet urban renewal project in Kiryat Yam is transforming the area significantly. The plan involves redeveloping 6 existing buildings with 200 residential units into a new complex with 4-5 high-rise towers containing approximately 885 residential units. Additionally, the project will include around 3,000 square meters designated for commercial and employment spaces and about 1,000 square meters for public buildings.
קבוצת “שפונדר פדלון” המוערכת נכנסת לתחום ההתחדשות העירונית, ועושה זאת כשהיא נשענת על הידע המקצועי, היכולות והניסיון הרב שצברה עם השנים. כחזון, הקבוצה בוחרת את הפרויקטים.